Monday, December 5, 2011

ALARM on Jeep

I just thought this was so funny I could not wait until tomorrow to post it.

I went into the RV store to day to check on getting the tow bar put on my Jeep and left mom in the Jeep. I must have locked it automatically from habit. Some people came over and wanted to look at the dogs so she opened the door!  ALARM! ALARM! ALARM!  Open door, open window. How do you shut it off. She finally comes in the store and said "Linda the alarm is going off on the jeep and I can't get it to shut up"  I hit the key to shut it off and asked her "how in the world did you set the alarm off?"  She said "I opened the door to show them the dogs"......

Everyone was laughing and one says "What you don't trust her and you have to lock her in". I said "Yes and I can't even trust her in the car as you can see"  We all laughed.  Now I have to give her the keys if I leave her int he

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