Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Paco is sick

Little Paco woke up sick this morning. He threw up and would not eat breakfast. He finally ate a little and seems to be doing better. I think he has garbageitis from eating anything and everything. He is better then a vacuum, he finds anything on the floor. I love it when he finds something of moms and he knows she will get him and he takes off running with it and her in hot pursuit, well in elderly pursuit and he dodges around. If I yell he stops, when she yells he just goes faster, it really is funny if  you saw it. Luckily the RV is not very big and she wins. For some reason he loves paper and especially paper towels. She uses them for painting and that makes it even better and if she drops it he has it almost immediately.

The sun is shinning and I am wishing I was still sleeping. For some reason this am I just want to sleep in but dogs had to go outside.

My shoulder is better but still sore, going to try and take it easy. I think I will go for a drive and maybe a walk. The dogs and me walked around the block last night after dark and it was still nice. Hardly any street lights here and the stars were so bright. You might be in a sub division but with no street lights and everyone goes to bed early it was like walking in the desert. I love watching the stars. Sure seems like they are in a different position then in Oregon though.

Well off to start my day, hopefully have some pictures tonight. Be safe everyone!  Give your loved ones hugs as you never know when it will be the last. Be nice to someone, you might make their day.

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