Thursday, December 22, 2011

Good Morning Salome

sunshine and COLD! The furnace started running every 15 minutes about 4 this morning. The temp says now it is 35 and feels like 28...BBUURRR.  I loved being able to hear the train off in the distance. When I grew up we could hear the train and where we live now we can. It was nice to hear it and I smiled even in the middle of the night.  I did not sleep very good as I was sore and kept having to change positions all the time. My little puppy is tired this morning and went back to bed. I think I kept him awake too.

I have tons of things I want to do, I think I will spend at least 30 minutes in the shower, not sponge bath, no turn on water get wet, turn off water, scrub, turn on water and rinse. I am just going to stand there and let it run and run and run. Lucky I have a gas hot water tank with instant heat. Might have to get propane after my shower though.

Have a great day and hopefully will have time for pictures.

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