Thursday, December 8, 2011

To much sadness today

My poor daughter, she called this morning to tell me that a good friend passed away as I posted this morning. Being the bearer of sad news is hard. This afternoon she called again and said she hated to call me anymore. She had to advise me that another dear friend was in the hospital and not expected to live as his internal organs were shutting down. How I wish I was there to hug the families. I feel so bad for them. It has brought so many memories of when my dad died. This trip I already lost one of my favorite uncles. enough! So hard when you are away from loved ones to hear such news.

I am trying really hard to concentrate on the good news. I got the bike rack to work!  Well my neighbor and myself got it to work. He came over and helped me and was a really big help. He is from Ridgefield Washington near Vancouver. Both the trike and the bike fit, now all I have to do is be able to do it by myself. I got them back off ok after I went for a drive but putting them back on is a bigger chore. I am still going to have my kid fix them the way I want when I get home but this will get us to Oregon.

I still really like it here in Quartzsite, love all the different rocks. I did not go anywhere today but to the garbage dumpster at the end of camp to dump all my stuff from the bike rack. I  had the whole back of that jeep full of boxes. I also threw Hanks old kennel away as it was falling apart and now we don't have a pickup I don't need it to put the dogs in and it takes up a ton of room. I kept the one that folds up.

Paco is definitely earning his nickname of "mini kaka" (little shit). He woke up this morning with a little matter in his eyes. I was afraid that he was getting a cold as he gets so cold outside so when I went to work on the bike rack I only took Hank.  Another neighbor, Jeanne, from British Columbia came over to see if she could help me with the rack and while we were working she said "isn't that cute?"  I looked up and there was Paco running up and down barking and whining in the front window of the motor home. I could not figure out how he got up there. Mom said she hear him crying and could not find him. He was between the curtain and the window wanting me to come get him leaving little doggy tracks in my dust on the dash and doggie art on the window.  Great, just great, that is where I put everything I don't want him into. He has found he can jump up on the passenger seat and then to the dash.  Now that he knows it he is on and off of it all the time.

Then we hear this noise and can not figure it out, he has a paper plate out of the garbage and he is eating it. yeah he is starved, spoiled dog, he is getting fat as it is. Then I look and he has my computer cable chewing on it, that got him in big trouble.  Then we are all worn out and all the dogs are plopped on the floor sleeping, mom in in the recliner and I am on the couch, all of us worn out and he is running around jumping on one and then the next trying to get everyone up.  We finally give up and I look up 10 minutes later and there he is snoring away on the couch. I think he just wanted me off the couch.  I must admit the neighbor said he would take him home for a companion for his wiener dog.  My neighbor from BC said I had some of the best dogs she has seen in a campground, they stay out of things...yeah well we laughed when he was in the window getting into everything, she said well outside he stays out of

Please everyone pray for Andy's family and loved ones to see them through this loss. Pray for the Perkins family has they are facing losing Ham. So hard to watch a loved one go through death and they need every prayer they can get.

Prayers for my friends

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