This red tape of State agencies is driving me insane. I am trying to get my Jeep registered in Oregon and it is a )#&*)$%*&). I finally found the correct form after the state officer left and it is not the form that DMV told me I needed to fill out. Good grief, I am just trying to be honest, not trying to rip anyone off. By the time I get this all figured out I am going to have a late fee....#)*)#%*)#%*.
But it still has been a good day because I am healthy and my family is healthy. Well I am getting old, my shoulder is KILLING me. I turned over wrong last night and OUCH it hurt again. I am trying to rest it but I have things to do.
It has been a good day because I found old friends on facebook...YIPEE, I love getting in touch with people I don't see anymore.
Ok I am done whining around for a few minutes anyway. Thank God for this blog, I can yell on her and mom and the dogs like that a whole lot better then me being cranky with them...hehe
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