Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year 2012

Today dawned sunny and warm which is a nice way to start a new year.  A friend of mine posted on Facebook that this is chapter 2012, page 1.  I had never thought of it that way but it really struck me to the core. What are we going to write on that first page?  Today is the first day of the rest of your life, what will you write???  I want my pages to be things are that are loving, caring, fun to learn about, learning days, and on and on.  I want to make every page I have count for something years from now. I want my family to know how much I love them every page. I want my friends to know that I will always be there for them. I don't want any page to contain something I am ashamed of.  I want to remember to love people for who they are not what I want them to be. That has always been a big goal of mine. I want people to be proud of who they are and if they aren't proud and want people to read that page, change it, make it a good page.

What is a new years resolution? Is yours a to do list for the first week of the new year (also posted by a friend on Facebook) Or is your book going to be filled with interesting challenging learning experiences full of love and laughter. Sometimes it is hard to find the laughter or good but it is there somewhere if we look hard enough. I love that Country Song about the devil and not standing still because if you keep on moving he might not even know you are there. Sometimes when things are hard that is all we can do is just keep moving and eventually we will get somewhere else.

I also love it when someone finds out something about someone and they quit liking them. Well they were the same person before you found out as they were afterwards so why quit loving them. They didn't change, you did and your perception of them. I had a friend that was a paramedic and everyone loved him, thought he was a great paramedic, good teacher. They all wanted him to teach classes, they wanted to work shifts with him, they came close to idolizing him and then they found out he was gay.  They hated him, they did not want him around, they were cruel to him with words and walking away when he approached. They were the ones I was ashamed of. He was still the same person he had been his whole life. He was still a good paramedic, he was still a good friend and he was still a good teacher. It was only their perception that had changed.

Another thing I dislike is rumors. I have had so many rumors fly about me. I only wish 1/2 of them were true and then I would have had a whole lot more exciting life and a whole lot more love. My friend Sonny once told me to quit being upset when rumors flew about my love life but to be proud that they thought I was so neat that someone wanted to have an affair with me.  It all comes down to how we look at things. I had fun with the rumors after that. When I hear a rumor I remember I would rather go down as being wrong believing in a person and being wrong then to go down for not believing in a person and being wrong.

I also think a person should always strive to learn new things. Find something you love and learn more. We can learn from anyone and books are amazing things. You learn from everyone, sometimes the new person is the one that teaches us the most.

We all have our moments when we fail in what we believe, when we do, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and go on with your book of life.

Don't make your resolutions as something you are going to do like lose weight, make it I am proud of me and I will write fun things, interesting things in my book. I am not going to write about how I struggle to lose weight but about how much I learned on the walks I now take. That is how I quit smoking, I quit beating myself up when I cheated and had a cigarette but was proud that I only had 4 that day instead of a pack. Once I quit thinking I was weak and terrible I found it easier, the 4 became 3, the 3 became 2, the 2 became 1 when I went to bed at night. The one became a drag or two. Then it became a drag when I was upset then pretty soon it became none. I always had a pack of cigarettes because the goal became I could have one if I wanted one that it was my choice to smoke or not to smoke.  that is what life is, our choices. The choices we make decide a lot in our life. The problems we have with others are a lot our choices if we enable that person to hurt us, if we enable that person to take advantage of us.  Even our money comes to choices, what do we want to spend it on?  A pack of cigarettes cost at least $5.00, is almost $2,000 dollars a year. a good down payment of a new vehicle.

Figure up all your money expenses, you will be surprised. People talk about how mom and I have so much money and can travel and they wish they did.  It is all the choice of what we spend our money on. We live in a very small modest home. We are super careful of the food budget. We don't have a fancy stereo and sound system. We have a very tight wardrobe budget. We don't go to movies etc. etc. etc.  Even when we travel we are cheap. We don't usually stay in RV parks, they are expensive, we enjoy cheap stuff like sightseeing, gathering a rock from a place for our souvenir.  Everyone thinks about what they want and they want it all, learn to appreciate what you have, health, love, family and above all God.

That will be my new year...loving, learning and trying to be the best person I can be. I am proud of who I have became but it has been a long uphill struggle but well worth the climb. I don't know if I will ever get to the top but I know I will always keep climbing that hill to see what is on the way. Sometimes the climb is so much better then it is at the top.  People think money is the top but I guarantee you if you get that money and in the process lose your health, your family, your friends, your enjoyment of the little things you will not be happy at the top but a sick old lonely rich person as I sit below on my picnic blanket surrounded by family, friends, my animals and lots of giggles and love.  You high power job will not bring you the companionship my family and friends bring me.

Enough said, love  your family and friends and enjoy life each page of your book this year. Maybe it will be a book your family and friends will treasure when you are gone.