Tuesday, January 31, 2012

sewer problems continue

This is one of those times I wish I was home. If I was home I would know who to call with my problems with the sewer and I would not have to wait for a landlord because I own the house...My landlord did finally call, he is the nicest man, he has been out of state the last 4 days.  He was a doll about the whole thing, if you have to have a landlord they don't come any better then him.

It was a hurry up and wait kind of day, waiting for phone calls. I did go get some stuff to put in the septic that is suppose to break up any hard crust from it setting and not being used so long and hopefully when I get up in the morning it will be all fixed.  Prayers everyone!  Sewer problems are not fun.

I broke the little prong off my nook charger so I am without a nook. I can't gripe to much as I am finishing my book on my droid. That screen is so small it makes for lots of page turning.

See everyone in the morning. Count your blessings, it sure helps you get to sleep and you never run out of sheep and it is a whole lot more fun and does wonders for your mental health.

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