Another day dawns in Arizona bright and sunny. Yesterday was an interesting day in many ways. First I took the dogs for their daily run behind on the trike. Mom’s little fat dogs made it much further and actually behaved themselves besides going further. They finally got tired and so I put them in the basket on the back of the trike. They were doing good until a dog growled and barked at them. I did not cross tie them because they are always so good. I only put one tie on them. Anyway Yo-yo jumped out at the dog and he had to jump out the front of the basket which made him land in front of the wheel and I hit him with the back wheel and he was tied enough he could not get away. I stopped and checked him. He was ok but I bet he is sore today and I bet he doesn’t jump out again.
The people who live with the sign that says Madras, Oregon on it were outside yesterday so I stopped and talked to them for awhile. The live out on Elk Drive. There is actually 3 of them there, the ones in the house, the ones in a camper and the ones in a motor home. They were behind the house so I did not realize there were so many of them.
I went to the band jam at the community center last evening. It was free and lots of fun. I got to hear songs I have not heard for years such as Jesus turn the wine back into water. The participants ranged from exceptional to sorry. One guitar player had to have played professional at one time, he is exceptional. 2 of the guitar players were really good, several were good and some others just starting. I loved the accordion player and he was amazing. One fiddle player and she was good, 2 mandolin players and one of them was amazing, one lady had some hand held wooden objects that sounded great with the group like having a drum, a harmonica player who was good. The ones that were really good played with everyone who came up to sing or play and the others only came up when it was their turn. The amazing guitar player must have been new to the group cause he was sitting back off to one side with the beginners and when it came his turn they would not let him leave afterwards, they brought a chair up to the stage and he played with everyone.
Singers also ranged from good to fun to my goodness I could sing with them. The one little mandolin player was funny. He sat there so quiet and reserved just playing away with everyone not saying anything. When it became his turn he stood up and the one guy who looks like he organizes it said “do we need to clear the stage or is this song that wild”? The guys said this was a mild song and he stepped up to the mike and grinned, the reserve was gone, the twinkle in his eye was as bright as a light bulb and when he started to sing you could not help but smile. He put his whole body into it and he sang good too. He was one of the favorites of the night both times he sang.
Everyone got to go up twice and it took 2 hrs to do it. I look forward to next Wednesday night as I guess they do it every Wednesday. Mom was going to go but then she was tired and decided to stay home, she said she is going next time though.
By the time I got home last night I was exhausted and I did not even get on Facebook to log anything. What a great day. I have to run to Parker today or tomorrow as I need doggie bags and they don’t have any here plus mom needs her prescription filled.
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