Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday evening Nov 9, 2011

Today was another restful day. I am enjoying the stress free time we are having but I so miss my family and friends and adopted family. I miss the laughter, the tears and the board and card games we play. Thanksgiving is going to be hard as that is the time that Barb, Erik,Travis,Spencer,Jake all come to stay at Madras.  Someday all 3 of my girls and family will be within 50 miles, that is my goal.  don't think it is their goal but I believe in being    Love to all of my family.  Anyone interested in coming to Arizona for the winter??? Can't wait for Rae Ellen and family to get here. Always nice to have friends around.  Can't wait to get to see my eldest either.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am already in Arizona....already so busy I can't figure out which way to run next too. lol Guess you have no choice but to eat my cooking again at Thanksgiving eh?