Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Storms in Oregon

Woke up this morning to a beautiful sunny day and got on my facebook and read all about the storms Oregon is having.  Record rainfall, hurricane force winds, trees down, power lines down. WOW. Thank goodness I am in sunny Arizona, though I must admit the coast during a severe storm is beautiful but scary at the same time.

Some say the wind was blowing so  hard it sounded like a freight train and they could not sleep.  One fire in the little town of Culver burned one man with first and second degree burns and another with more minor burns. I just thank God that no one was killed.

It was a lot colder here last night too, our furnace kept kicking on and off all night. It usually doesn't turn on until right at daybreak for a few minutes but it went all night last night. I will have to check and see how cold it got. Makes you glad we are camping in a RV instead of a  

Going to be a busy day today getting ready for Thanksgiving and washing clothes getting ready to hit the road on black Friday.

Have a day filled with blessings and a families love. Be safe everyone, especially those in Oregon as this storm is not suppose to get over until sometime Thanksgiving safe

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