Saturday, November 19, 2011

hazy day

Ok, I can't brag today, it is overcast and not real warm today.

I do wish my daughter a safe fun trip to Seattle today. I always worry when my kids are on the road but being so far away I pray really hard for a safe trip. You idiot drivers stay away from my

Being lazy in the mornings is fun.  I get up, mom makes coffee while I write on my blogs for the day. I am really enjoying the memories that come with the blog but sure wish others would send me stuff. Always more fun when many people get involved.

Have a great day everyone!  Be safe and send me photos or post in facebook cause I really enjoy them and I miss everyone so bad. It is funny just gone 2  weeks and already I am lost and out of touch with what is going on in my friends life. I remember when we used to move and all of a sudden you are no longer part of the group. Doesn't mean you don't care as much as ever but hard to talk and laugh about something the other one knows nothing about and wasn't involved in...I miss everyone!

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