Friday, November 11, 2011

Gila Bend

The wind was really blowing down here today on I-10.  It was gusting and blowing about blew us off the road. The trucks passing us were terrible.  We turned off on hwy 85 down to Gila Bend to miss Phoenix traffic. It was getting dark and we passed a place that we think was a huge prison maybe...anyone know what it is. the road between 10 and 8 is 35 miles long. Coming into Gila Bend there were some buildings off to our right that looked strange too but it was to dark to see anything. If anyone has any info on what they were I would sure like to know.

Does anyone know where Sheriff Joe's tent prison is???

Pulled over in a wide spot just before we get on I-8 at the shell station for the night, getting supper ready now. Left over soup from last night. It has been a long day.

Have a great evening everyone, sure is nice to have the door fixed and the converter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loving a chance to live vicarioulsy through your blog Linda!! I miss seeing you but it sounds like you, your mom, and the animals are on a grand adventure! Glad your RV got fixed and you are able to keep your trip moving forward.I am loving your pictures!!!
Sarah Bennett