Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The end of my day, always pretty

This mesa was really neat, round and flat on, between Hope and Quartzsite

Another rock house, this one is a lot different and not near as pretty. I don't think it is as old either. Just before this I saw another roadrunner, he ran across the road but he was moving so fast I not only did not get a picture but by the time mom looked he was gone

Reach for the sky sucker!

This tree was beautiful. I have never seen anything like it. Does anyone know what it is???

Grandpa ManyArms

bubble rocks, what in the world happened to make these rocks. I know that pillow lava is under water, was this under water when it exploded? Anyone have any ideas

Natural hole in the wall, not big but still cool

unusual looks like it is doing a handstand

Bouse area

Hank finally did it, he hiked his leg to close to a cactus and got a whole flank full plus one in his foot. He always stays right with me and all of a sudden I noticed he wasn't there. I looked up and there he was with his foot in the air. Of course it had to be on a walk away from the pickup and gloves and pliers...ouch to us both but thank God he has such thick hair

It looks like sand but where you get out and walk it is small rocks

mom with shy child

Fuzzy Wuzzy


Old sling shot, Lots of different cactus. Why are they so different, is it the water. They are individuals and I can't help but name some of them

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Good Morning sunrise

I am still amazed at how everything around her takes on such a blue tone in the mornings and evenings. Our motor home is blue to begin with but it is just like it is covered with a blue haze.

The dogs love this going for walks instead of just getting shoved out the door. Even little Paco has got where he lines up at the door for his leash. I always make all of them wait to be told to get out of a vehicle so they all set at the top of the steps just waiting and when you say "ok" you had better be ready because they charge down the steps. When we come back they go up the steps and turn around and set for their leases to be removed. I will have to get some pictures of them. I have always been strict about them getting out of any door without being told too as I have seen to many dogs jump out of a vehicle and get ran over.

I wish I had a movie of me getting folded into the hide-a-bed as I am sure I would win the 100,000 show. Stupid bed!  Made me miss the sunrise, well I could see it out the window just could not get to my camera and ended up waking the whole household as I wiggled around trying to get loose.

Had a great walk though, nice and pretty except I forgot the poop bags and they decided to poop at the furthest spot away from the motor home so I had to walk back get the bags and walk back out there. I think they are determined to help me lose weight. They not only made me walk twice as far yesterday they decided they had to go out every 10 minutes and they peed every time. I might have to shut the water down early today as I am already tired.

Have a great day everyone. 

Now this is the way to start a day..yeah right, I saw the sunrise was bright and I tried to hurry and get out of hide-a-bed and folded myself up in it. I finally got out but most of the bright sunrise was gone and everyone was awake. Oh well off for a walk and take pictures of our early walk

My best friend and hiking partner, Hank

Paco, he has grown but he is still better known as Mini KaKa. He is worse then a baby, he finds every scrap of paper or anything in his reach to get his teeth in and he can jump really high now. He has a cob web on his face and looking at me like "who me? I'm innocent" He is only innocent when he is sleeping

This is a little grave, no name, just a small wooden cross laid against the rock, maybe someones dog or who knows???? It was near the little house. All that beautiful hard work on that house and now it sets forlorn and alone on a hill with all its memories never to be told

An old adobe and rock house I found. The one little house has some beautiful rocks, agates etc in it. It was so cool

This little hill I found was so weird shaped I just had to take a picture for you

One car lot has nothing but old classic cars. It is fun to just look at them

Love this tree and campsite but the view from it was not as good as where we are parked. Someone want to come stay here? I also found out that the shrubs here are not like in our desert where you can rub your bumper against one. They don't call it iron wood for nothing, it is like rebar and scratches the heck out of your rig. My neighbor brought over some stuff to use on the scratch and some went away and the others don't show as bad. When you come don't scrape the brush!