Friday, March 9, 2012


I did not accomplish much of anything yesterday.  The neighbors dog got into the cactus and got it in his leg then he tried to pull them out with his mouth and got his mouth full.  We held him and pulled them all out again. OUCH! I hope he learned a lesson. Some dogs get a porcupine and then leave them alone, some get a porcupine and try their best to bite and kill any they see after that.  He is a Beagle and has that howl instead of a bark, you always know when it is him that is barking. I am sure it is quite a week for him since he just got here from Montana.

Just waiting to see what today brings, so far sunshine and no wind. It was so nice at 6:30 when I took the dogs out so I think it might get hot. I can't believe it is time to spring ahead and I am still in Arizona and can't go look at all the cactus and animals. Hopefully Jeep will be done soon or at least the insurance company say they are paying for it..

A friend of mine posted on Facebook about two different gun incidents at small schools in Eastern Oregon. Sure is scary and I sure hope that parents start getting involved in their kids lives. It can happen anywhere at anytime. It is a parental society issue not a gun issue. We all had guns in our cars growing up as we were farm kids and no one got shot or even threatened with one.

Have a great safe day

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