Saturday, March 24, 2012


well I am back in Oregon, I can't explain how good it is to see a pine tree, a fir tree and a juniper tree. I love the smells, I want to just stick my head outside and breathe. Whoops, way to cold out there for that, it was 29 degrees this morning. The snow covered mountains are beautiful! I love the Cascades and I can't quit looking at them, wish there weren't so many clouds where I could see them better.

We had wind, heavy winds, strong winds, sideways, head-on, tail winds all the way from Arizona to upper California.  Then we had light winds until just past the Oregon border and now we have a slight breeze carrying all those wonderful smells of pine trees my way, sagebrush, juniper trees, oh how I love the smell of home.

My daughters are planning a big surprise for my mom and part of a surprise for me so we can't get to Madras before noon when they are ready so we are goofing around this morning.

My shoulders, arms, thumbs and neck are still sore and stiff from fighting this big long rig in all those strong winds but they feel much better this morning then they did yesterday.

As excited as I was when I saw the sign "Welcome to Oregon" I can only imagine how the excitement will mount as I get even closer to home

be safe everyone

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