Monday, March 5, 2012

Today is the day

Today is the day the claims adjuster is suppose to be here to see the Jeep and then maybe I will know something and can start working on getting home. Being broke down is not fun in more ways then one. We have got so used to having a car being without one is not fun. I should have tried to get my bicycle off the rack and into the motor home where I had some kind of wheels. It is 50 miles to a grocery store or WalMart of anything here and it is 4 or 5 miles to the little 7-11 store her in Salome. Another problem when you like the

Sure put the wrench in the plans we had for a week ago. I am so afraid that it is going to be so long before I get to go home that the plans are not going to work at is life. We are all healthy and have a place to stay which is more then most people who break down for weeks have.

I want to tell the insurance company, who cares what happened just fix my Jeep, I mean come on if I run a stop sign and run into something it is my fault and they fix it, if a rock falls on my car they fix it, if I fall asleep they fix it, if a deer runs out in front of me they fix it, if a drunk hits me they fix it. Fix it and then we will figure out what happened. I want to go home. I really need to be there at least one week before spring break and mom is already weeks past her doctors appointment.

Ok enough whining, got a friend that might come by today and I am waiting for a phone call finally so it is a good day. God bless and be safe

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