Friday, November 13, 2015

Disrespect of our country and people.

It is always hard on the loved ones that are left behind when our soldiers head overseas or even to disasters within our own shores. They keep the home fires burning and handle all the problems by themselves. We all think of the soldiers but we need to remember that the loved ones also give and serve our country where our soldiers can go to war.  I can not even imagine how World War I and the wars that followed the heartache that the families went through waiting for a letter that might be months behind. The fear, the loneliness and the flat our terror. I know my mom got scared as she heard on the news that the boat my dad was on was blown up. She had to wait to see if he was one of the survivors. As it turned out he had transferred to another boat before the incident.

Now thank God we have email and news that is up to date but it also comes with its terror as you watch it happen in live news knowing your loved one is out there. Then if you don't get an email right away the terror intensifies. There is no era that war is easy on. It is a terrible price we pay for our freedom and we owe every person who serves and all their loved ones a great big thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

 My daughter takes her grandmother to the cemetery to clean grandpa's grave and put fresh flowers out. It means so much to my mom and she says she is comforted knowing that someday she will lay beside him. One of her fears in the war was that he would not come home or he would be killed and they would not be buried together.  They were the greatest generation and went through so much but they are a tough group of people to this day.

   I am so glad my dad made it home to have me. He did not ever want to leave his family again and he turned down an offer to play professional baseball because he did not want to leave his family. Family was the most important thing in the world to the soldiers that came home from World War II and I am sure from any other war.  The things they had to do to protect us left them haunted for the rest of their lives. I don't think anyone goes to war and comes home unchanged. I know mom said dad came home a different person then when he left. He was never as carefree and happy as he was before the war.

God bless our tough older generation and what they went through to make this country what it is and now my heart cries when I see how people disrespect it today.  People are so self centered and uncaring for others. Just this weekend someone broke into a rural fire department and took their live saving equipment even the heart monitor.  How can someone do this?  How would you feel if you were now 50 miles from help because someone stole the equipment of the local fire department had to help you.

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