Friday, February 10, 2012

Trip to Surprise for prints

It always amazes me how fast you can cover 100 miles down here. The roads are straight and hardly any traffic so you just zoom right along at the speed limit and don't have to slow for corners or traffic and it goes twice as fast. The old saying 70 MPH well down here you actually do 70 miles at 70 MPH.

Surprise is a huge town and many towns right against each other so it all seems like part of Phoenix. I mean this is Portland size town and there are golf carts EVERYWHERE!  Little custom golf carts and they run around right down the 4 lane roads.  I thought it was weird to see them running around on the streets of Quartzsite which is much smaller but to see them running all over and at all the malls was amazing.  You can't go anywhere without seeing them.  The mall we went to for PetSmart, Michaels, Best Buy etc is bigger then any mall in Bend by far and golf carts are everywhere. The mall I took these in is about the size of the malls in Bend but slow enough traffic I could stop and take a picture. I just wish I could have got some of the ones in the big mall or on the highway because there are some cute cute golf carts down here. I loved the little Jeep but we were on a 6 lane road so no way with bumper to bumper traffic would it be safe to take a photo.

Got lots of things yesterday as we had to wait for the pictures to be printed. Is that a good excuse. Went to Michaels and got lots of stuff to make some more business cards, some frames, some foam board for the backs of the prints, tape and all kinds of stuff.

Spent a fortune at WalMart but got a rug shampooer for the motorhome that folds flat where I can put it in an outside compartment. 2 people, 4 dogs and 2 birds, you need a rug shampooer.  The dust here is unbelievable too and my belt on my vacuum broke. I can still use it but without the brush it just doesn't do as good as job. Might have to order one on line.  I got stuff to make postcards, regular cards, business cards as mom is almost out, hair stuff, little stuff all over the store.

It amazes me how much stuff I can get in that Jeep along with us and the dogs. I figured the dogs would be sick of that Jeep after spending all day until dark last night in it. I did not unload everything so this morning I went out to unload and there they all were lined up to get back in it. They love the Jeep as much as we do. It is so dusty as you can tell from the pictures and I have not even had it on dirt roads this week since I washed it.

Well off to get this motor home cleaned up and the rug shampooed or else go to Parker to get groceries and prescriptions. Haven't decided which to do. I think Mom has had enough of the traveling but she could stay home so I will see.

Have a great day, be safe and remember to tell your loved ones you love them

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